Ten useful advices

  1. Forget about tips

During trip throughout Japan you can forget about tips. You haven’t to give tips in restaurants, bars, halls and taxis at all. Moreover, it is not your fault. It is a Japanese habit. Accordingly, breathe well and appreciate famous Japanese hospitality. Japanese hospitality is a part of Japanese culture. This has no any connection with your thankful attitude. You just go to restaurant and have fugue fish. Only in Japan this poisonous fish is not dangerous. It is very delicious dish here in Japan.

  1. Kampai! Hello!

In Japanese bars people usually give beer to each other. Sake or non-alcoholic beverages are served from their own bottles. This habit is a sign of friendship. Then, as a response, you need serve from your own bottle, too. If you and your friends come to bar so don’t begin drinking as the others cups are not full. Then you can pick up your cups and say «Kampai»-Hello!
If you drink sake and the other friend gives you his/her bottle to drink so you have to drink your entire beverage from your bottle then to pass him/her. This is also a sign of mutual attitude.
Alcohol abuse is not accepted, however sometimes people get abused.

  1. Everything is on your hands

If you are not going to learn a little bit Japanese before your journey to Japan, however, it needs to remember several Japanese gestures. If someone shows his/her nose with a finger so it means the thing refers to him/her. If someone shows people or things with a finger it is a sign of ill-mannered behavior. Accordingly, show the dish in menu with your full palm of your hand. Businessman passing through the crowd, with hands crossing, wants to show that he needs to be parted. If you want to say that you are not hungry so touch your nose with your finger as if you want to take away some unpleasant smell from your nose. Anyway, this gesture is not necessary; the waiters are always attentive to guests.

  1. Aloud and polite

In many restaurants and shops you can see crying workers on you «irasshaimaseeee»! Don’t worry! They are not angry on you. «Irasshaimase» is a common form of hello in shops. Typical translation of this word is «welcome». Accordingly, one worker cry is about to gain the other workers attention to your visit. There is no any answer to this cry. Anyway, don’t take attention to this. You can just give a polite smile or have a slight crouch.

  1. Don’t pass the dish on the table

Why? – You are going to give a question. This motion means death. 99% of Japanese people have cremated ritual. This ritual is famous as «kotsuage». This means bones gathering ritual. After cremate long sticks are given to the relatives of the dead people. They gather the bones of the dead passing the long sticks to each other. Then they put the gathered bones into the mourning jug. Accordingly, dish passing with long sticks on the table is an unpleasant attitude.

  1. This way is accepted

Take sticks in order to eat soup and then eat from the corner. You can put sticks into the soup in order to eat the little pieces of tofu and seaweed. Noodle is served in wooden plates. It can be eaten with little portions. If it is served in hot soup so you can eat one after another (at first drink soup, then eat noodle). Hunger is a good sign of a good appetite and it is really accepted.

  1. Put off your shoes

In Japan as well as in many Asian countries you have to put off your shoes before entering someone room covered with carpets. For instance, it can be a certain space of restaurant or the most important someone’s home.  Accordingly, our advice is put on a pair of good socks or takes a pair of it with you.
To put off your shoes is a very unpleasant phenomenon. However, it is a very ill-mannered way to step on the carpets with your dirty sneakers.
You have never seen people with shoes in mansions or in Japanese hotels. In restaurants, temples and in saint places the visitors are also asked to put their shoes off. Sometimes, you can put off your slippers. However, the slippers need to put off if you step on the straw carpets.

  1. Take seriously

In hot springs the all visitors have to take off their clothes and have a bath before entering the checkroom. Anyway, a thing must be taken into account. People having tattoo on their bodies are not allowed to enter sentō. Japanese people suppose that people owning body tattoo have some relations with criminal word. There is special sentō for people owning body tattoo. Accordingly, these people haven’t to close their tattoos with some plaster in order to avoid of people staring and suspicious looks.

  1. Polite crouching

Crouching is a perfect, unspoken Japanese form of greeting. It can be used when greeting, saying goodbye and showing thankful attitude. Crouching is difficult enough. Everything depends on mutual attitude and social status between people. The typical form of crouching begins from waists with straight back and hands keeping on hips. It is enough for foreigners to have a slight crouch. Japanese people having communication with foreigners can have only hand-shaking. However, they can also have a slight crouching. Some Japanese people have crouching even when speaking on telephone.

  1. Japanese people appreciate presents and give great significance to them

Before visiting Japanese people home you need to have a present with you. Having a little present with you is a good attitude, for example, souvenir from your hometown, something hand-made in your country. Flowers, fruits and sweets are also considered to be good presents. Sweets and Japanese made up alcoholic beverages can also be appreciated. The presents must be packed beautifully or can be put in special present bags.

the material is taken from http://visitjapan.ru/sovety-puteshestvennikam/10-poleznyh-sovetov/

 translated from Armenian into English by Tatev Harutyunyan