In the Japanese folklore there exists “tsukumogami” (付喪神) – an object, which has acquired a spirit. It is considered that if an object is 100 years old, it can gain consciousness. This especially concerns forgotten or lost items. For example, they believe in the existence of the spirit of straw sandal “bake-dzori” (化け草履). Every day putting on the sandal, there is established a close connection between the sandal and its owner. And when the owner stops wearing the sandal and forgets it in a corner of the wardrobe, decades past it turns into a “bake-dzori”. The revived sandal doesn’t cause a big problem, but it wanders in the house at night, makes a noise and disturbs sleep. Besides, “bake-dzori” has a habit of taking “offended” brothers with him rescuing from loneliness and careless owners. Do you take care of your shoes?
translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan