07 May, 2020
The citizens subject to the conscription for the compulsory military service in the RA Armed Forces, who because of the restrictions and absence of air communication imposed by the pandemic, were not able to return to the motherland on time in order to appear at the military commissariat of their place of registration, should send their data to the following email armembjapan@mfa.am in order to regulate further legal proceedings and if possible to arrange their transportation to the Republic of Armenia.
In the letter to the Embassy it is necessary to mention the citizen’s name, surname, father’s name, passport series and number, date of birth, name of the commissariat of the place of registration or the address of registration in RA, their location in the given country and mobile number, email, “Viber”, “WhatsApp”.
At the first opportunity the Embassy of RA in Japan will contact the registered citizens and will inform about the possible options for returning to Armenia.
Let us remind that in case of passport expiration, the citizens who return to Armenia for the purpose of conscription will be given RA return certificate free of charge.
the material is taken from https://japan.mfa.am
translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan