

Everyone has his/her preferred domestic animals. They are dogs, cats or hamsters. However, what can you say about wild animals? Wild animals are mainly shot in serious, famous and documentary films. Nevertheless, wild animals, shooting in films, don’t become less wonderful. These Pikachu-like shaggy animals will melt the ice in your heart.
The greatest island of Japan is Hokkaido. It is located in the north of the country. Here you can meet little and beautiful animals which cannot be found in another part of the country. There are six types of animals which can be immediately loved, in case of meeting. A lot of them are the subtypes of prevailing animals. The others are the endemic ones. Hokkaido is a place which will certainly be visited for winter sport, for nature and unique culture and for beautiful animals. Twitter user and photographer, Pop Shiretoko visited Hokkaido and took photos of some animals.

       1.Ezo momonga

Beautiful ezo momonga is a flying squirrel in Hokkaido. Its big, black eyes and little paws are more beautiful. The image of this squirrel is designed on the charging cards of local railway. It is so little that can stand on the hands of people and then…fly.
Animals whom definitely will fall in love2       2. Red fox of Hokkaido

It is a type of usual red foxes. However, it is so beautiful that cannot be forgotten.

Animals whom definitely will fall in love7       3. Red squirrel of Hokkaido

Eurasian red squirrels are much extended. They can be seen both in Asia and Europe. However, Hokkaido has its subtypes which can be seen only here in Hokkaido.

Animals whom definitely will fall in love8       4.Crying rabbit of Hokkaido

Crying rabbit is a subtype of the northern pika. Crying rabbit or ezo naki usagi can be seen in the Northern Asia and in the northern part of Japan. Yes, yes, it is Pikachu, of course. This little, mouse-like animal gathers greens in warm seasons of the year. It keeps greens in rock crevices for winter eating.

Animals whom definitely will fall in love11       5. Izuna

Izuna or snow-white weasel is an animal preferring the northern climate of Hokkaido, Siberia and Scandinavia. Besides its beauty, izuna is very scary. Moreover, it will immediately disappear if it’s noticed by people.

Animals whom definitely will fall in love16       6. Ezo fukuro

It is a subtype of Ural owls. Ezo is a historical name of Hokkaido. It is mainly associated with the names of birds. This owl is perfectly merged with surroundings that it cannot be probably seen in the hollow of the tree.



translated from Armenian into English by Tatev Harutyunyan