


On 09.01.2015 at 15:00-17:00 p.m. at “Sakurada”Japanese restaurant took place the Kakidzome party, which is a party of writing Japanese hieroglyphs and which is celebrated in the New Year.


At the party, there were not only people that were already familiar to the “Sakurada” restaurant and had participated in the parties organized before but there were also people that happened to be informed about the party from other sources. First, before the beginning of the party, they tasted delicious and original Japanese food, after which at the call of the owner of the restaurant Yuji Sakurada the visitors of the restaurant approached the two guests, specially invited for this event. The visitors said either in Armenian or in English what kind of  a hieroglyph they want to draw, after which the Japanese guests drew that hieroglyph and wrote the name of that visitor in Katakana alphabet. Then the visitor was given a paper and an ink brush and was asked to copy out what  is written on the paper. At the end of the party, the guests, very pleased with the work they have done, shot photos.


together with their creations.

photos by Shuichi Minamie


 translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan