
“Japanese language day” measure has been organized in Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University on September 25. Representative of Japanese foundation, professor of Moscow Pediatric University Yamagoutsi Tosiyuki held an open class within the frameworks of those days. After that mst. Yamagoutsi heldseminar entitled “Communication skills to boost support for targeted activities”, as well as competition of Japanese language among students. Students of Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, State University’s “Iroha” center, State Linguistic University and guests took active participation in those measures.

Participants of the competition were 8. Students of the Armenian-Slavonic University conquered the top three ranks. First place won Martirosyan Armine, who is a fourth-grader of “Territorial researches” department, second place won Mariam Amar, who is a student of Preparatory department, and the third place won Lilit Tamrazyan, student of “Territorial researches”  MD.
Martirosyan Armine will visit Moscow on late October to participate in competition between CSI countries.
It is worth noting that Japanese competition is constantly being held in Yerevan, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University has been hosting it for the last three years. After the competition concert of Japanese songs took place and a competition of “Haiku” three-lined poems. Winners of all categories received awards.  

 profesor Yamaguti during seminar 1
 profesor Yamaguti during seminar 2
  Workshop conducted by Professor Yamaguti
 students during seminar

Students are absorbed in listening (foreground Armenian winner Armine Martirosyan)

thanks to Karine Karamyan for this material! 

translated from Armenian into English by Edith Margaryan