30 March 2017
The Congress of the International Musicological Societyhas taken place on March 19-23 in Tokyo. This congress, which takes place once in five years, is the biggest global event in the sphere of musicology, during which there take place different workshops with various themes. The previous congresses have taken place in Rome (2012), in Zurich (2007) and so on. The administrative center of the International Musicological Society is located in Switzerland, but musicologists presenting all the countries of the world are included in it.
As it is informed by“Armenpress” during the congress of March 21 “Theory at Work: Scales, Intervales and Rhythmic Patterns” the Head of the Scientific Section of Komitas Museum-Institute Tatevik Shakhkulyan presented the report titled “Armenian Epic Songs: Theory Conforming to Practice”. During the lecture, she has presented the singing parts of the national epic “The Daredevils of Sassoun”, their correlation with Kmoitas’s theory of sounds of the Armenian music. Then she referred to the results of the analysis of epic songs and their compliance with the theory of Komitas done by the latest software programs- Humdrum. The analysis of the epic songs by means of Humdrum program was done by the international working group (Tatevik Shakhkulyan (musicologist, Armenia), Richard Parkut (Australia) and Erika Bizezi (Italy) in the Center for Systematic Musicology of Graz University of Austria.
On March 22, by the invitation of Komitas Music Society of Japan (Head of Society Takahiro Akibara) Tatevik Shakhkulyan has delivered a lecture for the Japanese audience in the Embassy of Armenia in Japan. The lecture was about Komitas and the Armenian music culture. At the end the audience learned to sing Komitas’s songs “Chinar es” and “Hol ara yezo”.
the material is taken from goo.gl/Wi5tke
translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan