

The Japanese pianist Takahiro Akiba was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia at the Armenian Embassy in Japan for his significant contribution to the active dissemination of Armenian musical culture in Japan. Takahiro Akiba is the co-founder and head of the Komitas Musical Union (Komitas Society), established with the assistance of the RA Embassy in Japan, and is very active in organizing concerts of Armenian music. The medal was presented to the musician by the RA Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary...
Armenia movie wins gold at Tokyo Film Awards

Armenia movie wins gold at Tokyo Film Aw...

The Armenian movie Light Drops directed by Arman Chilingaryan has been awarded the Golden Winner prize for Best Frama at Tokyo Film Awards, the Armenian Embassy in Japan informs. The film is about the life in Armenia in 1990s. Tokyo Film Awards is a unique film competition organized by working professionals from film and TV industry. It is mainly focused on short films as its main mission is to promote young talent and their vision. the material is taken from Thanks to Shuichi Minamie for provision of the...


Tokyo University of Foreign Studies has reported a sharp rise in the popularity of Armenian language courses, Asahi Shimbun reports. Stay-at-home lifestyles prompted by the pandemic left many Japanese with time on the hands to pursue studies they might not have gotten around to. To play a part in helping Japan become a multicultural inclusive society, the university has been hosting extension courses to teach languages, cultures and histories of other countries at its campus in the western Tokyo city of Fuchu and elsewhere. Due to the difficulty of hands-on lessons with...


ARARAT Nairi brandy won a gold medal in Tokyo Whisky and Spirits Competition In June in the capital of Japan, the Tokyo Whiskey & Spirits Competition concluded its works, as a result of which 20-year-old ARARAT Nairi brandy was awarded the gold medal and “Category Winner” title. The Tokyo Whisky & Spirits Competition, operated by the Japan Research Center, aims to reveal and promote high-quality spirits worldwide. This year, 427 drinks from different countries participated in the competition, including a variety of world-renowned brands. The competition was...


The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Japan announces that on October 15, 2021 in Tokyo there will be held the concert of a Japanese pianist Yuko Yoshioka, which is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of “Japan-Armenia Friendship Association”. The concert will feature the works by Komitas, Sayat-Nova, Arno Babajanyan, as well as Beethoven and Schumann. The concert is organized by “Japan-Armenia Friendship Association” with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Japan. the material is taken from Thanks to Margarita...


申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 Հայերենと English のみです。




KOOR White Reserve wine has won several prizes at Sakura Awards in Japan. Made from Voskehat grape variety, the wine has won two gold medals along with the Diamond Trophy and the Grand Prix Best Lesser-known Grape Varieties in Japanese Market. Mariam Simonyan, Head of Marketing Department at KOOR Wines, has told GastroVino that the company’s products are represented in Japan by The Ancient World. The representative company submitted the white Armenian wine to the second-largest contest in Japan. “Many people know about KOOR’s red wines, but White Reserve is less...


My interlocutor is the lecturer of “Finance” and “International Economic Relations” Chairs of the Armenian State University of Economics, Candidate of Economics, Specialist of Japanese Anna Vardanyan. T. M. – Dear Anna Vardanyan, attaching importance to the frameworks of your studies and your enthusiasm in the new revelations of the Armenian-Japanese historical and cultural relations, please present your story of the Armenian-Japanese friendship, as a start for the conversation.   A. V. – My memories of the Japanese date back to my childhood. In our family,...


THE DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA ON THE APPOINTMENT OF AREG HOVHANNISYAN THE AMBASSADOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA TO JAPAN Based on the Prime Minister’s proposal, according to point 2 part 1 of the Article 132 of the Constitution appoint Areg HOVHANNISYAN the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Japan (residence – Tokyo). PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA SARGSYAN February 16, 2021 Yerevan PD-21-A the material is taken from translated from Armenian into English...
CCCI Initiates Humanitarian Aid for Artsakh

CCCI Initiates Humanitarian Aid for Arts...

With almost daily attacks from Azerbaijan across the line of contact and other parts of Artsakh (also known as Nagorno-Karabakh) and borders of Armenia, a humanitarian crisis has unfolded in the war-torn Artsakh. Due to this, along with COVID-19 cases consequently reaching an all-time high within the region, the healthcare infrastructure in Artsakh and neighboring Armenia has been overwhelmed by thousands of civilians and soldiers who have been wounded as a result of the war. During these difficult times, CCC International and KID-T Group Holdings are one with the Armenian...

復活に向けて- 広島, 長崎

Dear reader, Let me present to your attention an interesting material (edited) from my notes “A Stroll in Japan” (November 2019), which can be useful and instructive for the Armenian nation during these hard times. Let’s hope that the example of our friendly country will be instructive and will give us strength to overcome the difficulties and gain faith that Armenia and the Armenian nation will reborn again and will have a strong economy in the nearest future. #We_Will_Reborn Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-1 “A Stroll in Japan”. Part #1 As soon as you get...

平和 へ の メ ッ セ ー ジ。 ア ル メ ニ ア 人 か ら (ナ ゴ ル...



12:26, 27 October, 2020 YEREVAN, OCTOBER 27, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Parliament ratified an agreement according to which the government of Japan will provide nearly 3.8 million USD grant to Armenia. The bill on ratifying the agreement on providing social and economic development grant to Armenia was approved by the Parliament with 72 votes in favor. The agreement has been signed on June 30, 2020, between the Armenian and Japanese governments. While introducing the agreement to the Parliament, deputy minister of healthcare Anahist Avanesyan called it as another very good...


JULY 23, 2020 12:06 YEREVAN, JULY 23, ARMENPRESS։ As the final drug for the treatment of COVID-19 hasn’t been found yet, many countries of the world already apply the drugs, which exist in order to prevent the increase in mortality by means of suppressing the reproduction of the virus. At the moment avigan (favipiravir) is one of these samples, which has provoked active interest. At the request of Armenia, on July 23 Japan has made a donation of avigan drugs, which can be used for nearly 100 patents. It is expected that the drugs will be more efficiently used by the...


We already have the opportunity to make and try the Japanese sweet bread “meron pan” made by an Armenian. The President of “IROHA” Armenian-Japanese Educational and Cultural Exchange Center Ruzan Khojikyan has translated the recipe of “meron pan”, which is given below: Ingredients (for 8 portions) ■Bulki dough Flour… 200 g Salt … 3 g Sugar … 15g Dry yeast … 3 g Butter … 15 g Half egg beaten in water. The total volume of these two should make 135 ml. ■Biscuit dough Flour… 90 g Almond flour … 30 g Butter … 40 g Sugar … 50 g Half egg (some...


19-05-2017 The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Japan and several Japanese websites inform that there was published the illustrated book of Satoru Otsuka “Armenian Animation Films”, where for the first time there is presented the Soviet and modern Armenian cartoon art. In separate small chapters the reader gets acquainted with the best works of the Armenian animation since 1938, the first Armenian cartoon “The Dog and the Cat” shot by Lev Atamanov up to “The Lazy Hoori” film-fairy tale-musical screened up in 2016. The other chapters are “The Priest and...


07 May, 2020 The citizens subject to the conscription for the compulsory military service in the RA Armed Forces, who because of the restrictions and absence of air communication imposed by the pandemic, were not able to return to the motherland on time in order to appear at the military commissariat of their place of registration, should send their data to the following email in order to regulate further legal proceedings and if possible to arrange their transportation to the Republic of Armenia. In the letter to the Embassy it is necessary to mention...




Vardanyan Anna 04.18 · 2020 “It is necessary for the Japanese to realize that there are many things to learn from the secrets of the Armenian embroidery”. Mie Ishi It’s a great pleasure when people are interested in Armenia, in the historical-cultural heritage of the Armenian nation, when they value it. This time I introduce to you a friend of the Armenian nation Mrs. Mie Ishi, who is considered one of the best specialists of fabric restoration in the world. She has visited Armenia for many times and has summed up her impressions in different scientific articles....