復活に向けて- 広島, 長崎


Dear reader,

Let me present to your attention an interesting material (edited) from my notes “A Stroll in Japan” (November 2019), which can be useful and instructive for the Armenian nation during these hard times. Let’s hope that the example of our friendly country will be instructive and will give us strength to overcome the difficulties and gain faith that Armenia and the Armenian nation will reborn again and will have a strong economy in the nearest future.


Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-1

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-1

“A Stroll in Japan”. Part #1

As soon as you get out of the train station, you cannot even imagine that you have arrived in a city, where the first atomic bomb #Baby has exploded just 74 years ago, which fell on Hiroshima from #Enola Gay bomb release. Can you imagine that colonel Tibbets has named after his mother the bomb release filled with atomic bomb, which would take thousands of lives, would cause suffering and pain to hundreds of people, hundreds of people… Don’t you agree that this is a unique manifestation of love towards his mother ? ((((

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-2

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-2

The purpose of the visit was of course to see the Atomic Bombing Memorial, where my daughter and I were welcomed by the half-ruined building of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce and the continuous croaking of ravens. The building was the main standing witness of one of the shameful pages of human history. Not far, standing in front of the arched monument, standing in the present you look back to the past, where on the horizon you notice this eloquent witness.

This is the idea of the arched monument, about which I have read for the first time in the novel #Shadows-on_the_Bridg( #Тени_на_мосту by #Vsevolod Ovchinnikove (#Всеволод_Овчинников ). Visiting the museums of the memorial I realized why the novel had such a title. On the exhibited numerous big stones, which seemed incomprehensible at first sight, there were traces of human shadows. You will experience moments of indescribable surprise by seeing the consequences of atomic bombing :((((( In the hall you could constantly hear the voices of people crying in excitement. We were also excited. For a moment we had the impression that we were in our Museum of Genocide. The pictures were so much alike; the excitement and suffering of the people was the same. Skulls, white blankets everywhere, mourning mothers…

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-3

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-3

Perhaps somehow consoling was the last hall, which the visitor leaves filled with hope. Here the Japanese have used their philosophy. In the last hall there are exhibited pictures, which were full of tears of happiness, on the faces of people there were smiles, they had hope and meaning for life. There were exhibited pictures of children born at least a year past the bombing and their parents with happy faces even if the faces were burnt as a sign of the fact that life continues anyway …

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-4

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-4


P.S. #1. So far the older generation of Japanese continues to silently dislike the Americans.

P.S․ # 2. Find attached in English and Russian the speech of Hirohito Emperor of Japan to his people on what had happened and on having faith for the future (14 August 1945).

Towards Rebirth. Hiroshima. Nagasaki-5


After pondering deeply the general trends of the world and the actual conditions obtaining in our empire today, we have decided to effect a settlement of the present situation by resorting to an extraordinary measure.

We have ordered our government to communicate to the governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union that our empire accepts the provisions of their joint declaration.

To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all nations as well as the security and well-being of our subjects is the solemn obligation which has been handed down by our imperial ancestors and which lies close to our heart.

Indeed, we declared war on America and Britain out of our sincere desire to ensure Japan’s self-preservation and the stabilization of East Asia, it being far from our thought either to infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations or to embark upon territorial aggrandizement.

But now the war has lasted for nearly four years. Despite the best that has been done by everyone — the gallant fighting of the military and naval forces, the diligence and assiduity of our servants of the state, and the devoted service of our one hundred million people — the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage, while the general trends of the world have all turned against her interest.

Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.

Such being the case, how are we to save the millions of our subjects, or to atone ourselves before the hallowed spirits of our imperial ancestors? This is the reason why we have ordered the acceptance of the provisions of the joint declaration of the powers.

We cannot but express the deepest sense of regret to our allied nations of East Asia, who have consistently cooperated with the Empire towards the emancipation of East Asia.

The thought of those officers and men as well as others who have fallen in the fields of battle, those who died at their posts of duty, or those who met with untimely death and all their bereaved families, pains our heart night and day.

The welfare of the wounded and the war-sufferers, and of those who have lost their homes and livelihood, are the objects of our profound solicitude.

The hardships and sufferings to which our nation is to be subjected hereafter will be certainly great. We are keenly aware of the inmost feelings of all of you, our subjects. However, it is according to the dictates of time and fate that We have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable.

Having been able to safeguard and maintain the Kokutai, We are always with you, our good and loyal subjects, relying upon your sincerity and integrity.

Beware most strictly of any outbursts of emotion which may engender needless complications, or any fraternal contention and strife which may create confusion, lead you astray and cause you to lose the confidence of the world.

Let the entire nation continue as one family from generation to generation, ever firm in its faith in the imperishability of its sacred land, and mindful of its heavy burden of responsibility, and of the long road before it.

Unite your total strength, to be devoted to construction for the future. Cultivate the ways of rectitude, foster nobility of spirit, and work with resolution — so that you may enhance the innate glory of the imperial state and keep pace with the progress of the world.


Tokyo, August 14, 1945

Нашим добрым и верным подданным,

После тщательного размышления об основных тенденциях в мире и при текущих условиях, которые сложились в нашей империи сегодня, мы приняли решение, что повлиять на существующую ситуацию могут только чрезвычайные меры.

Мы приказали нашему правительству сообщить правительствам Соединенных Штатов, Великобритании, Китая и Советского Союза о том, что наша империя принимает условия их совместной декларации.

Борьба за общее процветание и счастье всех наций, а также за безопасность и благосостояние наших подданных — это важная обязанность, завещанная нам нашими императорскими предками, которую мы принимаем близко к сердцу.

Действительно, мы объявили войну Америке и Британии, искренне желая обеспечить самосохранение Японии и стабильность в Восточной Азии, и мы не помышляли о том, чтобы нарушить суверенитет других наций или о территориальной экспансии.

Но война длится более четырёх лет. Несмотря на наши усилия — доблестные действия наших армии и флота, трудолюбие и усердие наших государственных служащих и на совместные усилия нашего стомиллионного населения, — ситуация в войне сложилась не в пользу Японии, тем временем как основные события в мире целиком сложились против её интересов.

Более того, противник применил новую и жесточайшую бомбу невиданной разрушительной силы, которая погубила множество ни в чём не повинных людей. Если мы будем вести войну и дальше, это будет означать не только ужасную гибель и уничтожение японского народа, но также приведет к гибели всей человеческой цивилизации.

Сегодня перед нами стоит вопрос: как нам спасти миллионы наших подданных и не унизить себя перед священными духами наших императорских предков? Вот причина, почему мы приказали принять условия совместной декларации победителей.

Мы не можем не высказать чувство глубочайшей признательности нашим союзникам в Восточной Азии, которые объединили свои усилия с империей за освобождение Восточной Азии.

Мысли о тех офицерах и солдатах, всех тех, кто пал на полях сражений, тех, кто погиб на своем посту, или тех, кто встретил смерть иначе, обо всех их убитых горем семьях ранят наше сердце днем и ночью.

Состояние раненых и пострадавших от войны и всех тех, кто потерял свои дома и средства к существованию, является объектом нашей большой обеспокоенности.

Испытание и страдание, которые ждут нас отныне, будут неизбежно велики. Мы четко осознаем сокровенные чувства всех вас, наши подданные. Однако судьба и время велят нам, чтобы мы проложили путь к всеобщему миру для всех будущих поколений, покорившись неизбежному и снося невыносимое.

Имея возможность сохранить и поддерживать основу империи, мы всегда с вами, наши добрые и верные подданные, мы всегда полагаемся на вашу искренность и честность.

Более всего мы опасаемся любых всплесков эмоций, которые могут привести к ненужным осложнениям, боимся братских обид и ссор, приводящих к беспорядкам и могущих ввести вас в заблуждение, заставив потерять доверие мирового сообщества.

Пусть весь наш народ, как одна семья, от поколения к поколению, твердо придерживается традиций нерушимости их божественной страны и будет стойко выносить то тяжелое бремя ответственности, которое легло на плечи страны, которой предстоит проделать большой путь.

Объедините всю вашу силу для созидания, для лучшего будущего. Идите строго по пути справедливости, благородства духа и работайте с той мыслью, что вы можете вознести вечную славу империи и при этом идти в ногу с мировым прогрессом.


Токио, 14 августа, 1945 года.


the material is taken fromshorturl.at/mwxCJ

translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan