“After the Concert in Tokyo They Were Asking for the Notes of Babajanyan”         About the Trio

“After the Concert in Tokyo They Were Asking for the Notes of Babajanyan” About the Trio



“In Japan there is observed the growth of interest towards the Armenian culture, music”, said the pianist of Aram Khachatryan Trio Armine Grigoryan during the interview with Panorama.am.
Let’s mention that from September 7 to 11, with the cooperation and sponsorship of the Embassy of RA in Japan and the Ministry of Culture of RA, in the frameworks of the events dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Aram Khachatryan Trio had a concert tour in Tokyo – pianist Armine Grigoryan, violoncellist Karen Shahgaldyan and cellist Karen Qocharyan. The musicians performed the works of Aram Khachatryan, Arno Babajanyan and Peter Tchaikovsky.
“Our performances in Tokyo took place in full halls: there was a great interest around the master classes. For many of them it was the first time they heard Babajanyan’s piano trio, which was accepted with a great enthusiasm. After the concerts, the lovers of music were approaching and asking for the notes”, she said.
Armine Grigoryan also announced that in the frameworks of the tour they had two concerts in Germany.
“I can say that in both countries there was a great interest towards the Armenian music. A whole section was totally dedicated to the Armenian composers”, she mentioned.
Armine Grigoryan informed that during the coming week Aram Khachatryan Trio will give a concert in Moscow, afterwards it will give three concerts in Murmansk. In one of the concerts, the members of the trio will perform separately with the accompaniment of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Murmansk. They will perform Tchaikovsky’s three concerts. Until the end of the year, Aram Khachatryan Trio will carry out several projects in Armenian and European countries too.
Source` Panorama.am

the material is taken from   http://www.panorama.am/am/comments/2015/09/17/armine-grigoryan/

translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan