The Eighth Anniversary of “IROHA” Center and the Celebration of New Year 2023 (Video)

The Eighth Anniversary of “IROHA” Center...

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The Birth of the “National Language”. National Unity and Language in New Period Japan

The Birth of the “National Languag...

Within the framework of the “Lectures on Japanese Studies” program, on December 20, 2022 (Tuesday), at 2:30 p.m., a lecture of the Hitotsubashi University‘s Professor Toshiaki Yasuda (linguistic policy, intellectual history) took place in the Piotrovsky auditorium of the new building of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)  . In Japan, the literary language is called “kokugo”, which translates as “national language”. This name has close conecction to the idea of nation-building or national unity in Japan of the new period....

VIDEO։About Onomatopoeia in the Japanese...

On November 30, 2022 at the Iroha Center, as framework of the “lessons related to origami and other interesting Japanese culture” Maiko and Yoko sans conducted an interesting course on the topic “about onomatopoeia in Japanese“. Of course, at the end they returned to origami. Author: H....