“Let’s make a Japanese Stamp” Party at “Sakurada” Restaurant on June 26, 2016 (Video)

“Let’s make a Japanese Stamp” Party at “Sakurada” Restaurant on June 26, 2016 (Video)


On June 26, 2016 from 15:00 to 18:00 p. m. at “Sakurada” Japanese restaurant took place an interesting, teaching event “Let’s make a Japanese Stamp”. At first, the owner of the restaurant Yuji Sakurada wrote in Japanese Katakana alphabet the names of those participants, who didn’t know Japanese and asked to write their names on the small pieces of paper handed out beforehand, in order to become a little bit skilled.

Then he handed out to each participant a small rubber-like rectangular device, which is called honban and a copying paper, which is known to many of us as calques.

Then he asked the participants to draw a rectangular on their calques, which should be of the same size as honban- the device for making Japanese stamps and with a black pencil to write in the rectangular their names in Japanese, which they have already learnt.

After that, he asked to put the copying calques on the honban. The side written with the pencil should be on the rubber-like rectangular device and on the opposite side of the copying paper, which is empty, they should copy their names in Japanese, in order the letters written with pencil to be copied on honban.

Then, with a special cutting device, they engraved their names on honban.

And at the end, dipping the honban with their engraved names in the ink envisaged for the stamp, they signed a pilot paper.

Author:  H. Muradyan

translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan