With the financning of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the water sphere of the Republic of Armenia there is implemented the project of Technical-economical Substantiation Studies of Yeghvard water reservoir. The goal of the project is to give economical and technical estimations and to ground the expedience and efficiency of constructing Yeghvard water reservoir.
On June 16, 2015, at State Committee of Water Economy there took place the meeting of the delegation of JICA and the representatives of “Sanyu” advisory team with the president of the committee A. Harutyunyan. The goal of the meeting was to present the final report of “The Research of the Spheres of Agriculture and Irrigation”.
The parties mentioned that the construction of the future water reservoir is important for several reasons:
– annual storage of 90 million c/m water due to inundations and precipitations,
– adding of irrigated land areas by around 3000 hectare,
– annual economy of 50 million c/m water taken from Lake Sevan,
– reduction of pumping/mechanical irrigation expenditures, passing onto self-flowing irrigation on the territory served by the water reservoir,
– increase of efficiency of water transportation by 50 percent.
The core issues of the meeting were connected with the volume of the future water reservoir, calculation of water balance, ways of building the water reservoir, the presentation of ecological expertise of the technical-economical estimation project of the water reservoir.
The president of the committee A. Harutyunyan, by presenting the current situation of the reservoirs of irrigation water in the republic and comparing with the capacities of the neighboring countries emphasized that today the building of water reservoirs in the republic is one of the most important directions in the sphere of water, which is stressed by the future strategic projects.
The representative of the department of Central Asia and Caucasian countries of JICA headquarter Mrs. Vakui Akiko, by presenting the results of the studies carried out by them requested to discuss the issues connected with the volume of the water reservoir, its filling sources, the possible risks and further developments/expansions.
By discussing the issues raised, the parties invited a “Kick-off Meeting” of the stakeholders, where the representatives of other related ministries and irrigation PIOs were also invited.
During the “Kick-off Meeting” the representatives of JICA and “Sanyu” advisory team presented the works carried out, made up “a road map” for the future activities, clarified the authorizations and responsibilities of the parties. They agreed upon the future joint works.
translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan