Many people have noticed in the streets of Yerevan 22 years old Armenian girl with pink hair – Serine Khaloyan, who reminded of a Japanese anime. Nobody was indifferent to her. Last year Serine married a Japanese young man. After living for some time in Armenia, she and Yuta left for Japan. During the interview with Tert.am Life Serine told about the decision to marry Yuta, the first meeting with his parents and her life in Japan.
–Serine, how did you get acquainted with Yuta?
–We met in a Japanese restaurant. When I saw him, I joked and said that I should marry this guy. Of course, I was joking, but it became a reality. I told the owner of the restaurant, who was also Japanese, that I am in love with him and asked not to tell him about that. He decided to introduce us to each other and our acquaintance began from that day on.
–What was the reaction of your parents when you decided to marry?
–From an early age, I have said that I would marry an Asian. My parents knew that I loved Japan and all my dreams were connected with that country. My mother always says that she takes it easy because she knows that I am happy. The parents of my husband also welcomed me.
Approximately 50–60 years ago in Old Japan, they didn’t accept marriages with foreigners. Now there isn’t such a thing. Moreover, they are happy to marry a foreigner because beautiful children are born and their nation becomes nicer. Especially when the person knows Japanese and is interested in their culture: they are very happy and they appreciate all that. I miss my parents very much. I am always in touch with them and I speak with them every day. I want to bring my mother to Japan for a tour.
–Have you seen your husband’s parents for the first time after marriage?
–In reality, I have seen the members of my husband’s family for the first time after marriage. Before that, we were in touch only via skype. When we were leaving for Japan, I was anxious because I thought everything would be very complicated. According to Yuta his mother is a very strict woman, but in fact it is not so. His father welcomed us at the airport and took us home. When we entered the house, all they greeted me in Armenian. I was very much amazed. The first meeting was very warm. Yuta has simply frightened me. After that, it was a little bit difficult for me because I didn’t know their laws and I was anxious. They have everything in order. I am already used to that.
–Did you easily integrate with the foreign culture?
–No matter how much I was informed about the Japanese culture, it is difficult to adapt to the rules of a foreign country. I know about their holidays.
–Have you tried to cook Japanese dishes?
–Yes. Before coming to Japan, I cooked them in Armenia. Of course, what I have cooked differs a little bit but I ask questions and I learn. During this time, I have cooked Armenian dishes for him but they didn’t like them that much because they like dishes with more simple tastes. There is much oil in our dishes and they don’t use oil. I have decided to cook “dolma” when Yuta’s father comes back from his vacation. I hope they would like it.
–What kind of relations do you have with your mother-in-law?
–I was waiting that Yuta’s mother would behave like a “mother-in-law”, but there isn’t such a thing. She is very careful and attentive to me. Every day she buys for me what I like.
–Is the model of a Japanese family alike the model of an Armenian family?
–I often draw parallels between the Armenian family and the Japanese family. In Armenia people are more free and there aren’t many laws. There is much difference. There are more holidays in Japan than in Armenia. Sometimes the members of my husband’s family ask me to tell about the Armenian holidays. They are very much interested in our culture.
–What perspectives do you have for the future?
–I have great perspectives related to here. I am going to attend Japanese language courses In July. After graduating from the college, I am going to become a designer, then I will have babies ։).
the material is taken from http://life.tert.am/am/news/2017/06/23/serine/40373
translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan