



hetaqrqir past 1

For Valentine’s Day girls are giving gifts as a sign of sympathy in Japan. This habit gives girls the opportunity not to wait until the boys gather the courage and approach them. The honour’s issues as in ancient times, are in the first place for Japanese nowadays.
Including in the sphere of politics: in 2009-2010, the Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, resigned because he could not fulfill his pre-election campaign pledge.
The preceding the 2 ministers also behaved that way.
Japan is a small country, but here’s the world’s most expensive Amusement Park Tokyo Disney Sea, the four of the world’s 10 highest American hills.
Tokyo’s subway system is the most developed in the world.
The Japanese love to drive big cars.
Jeeps on the street can often be met. The 30% of wedding ceremonies are held through parents’ intercessions in Japan till now.
Japan is a mono-ethnic country: the 98.5% of the population are Japanese, 0.5% are Koreans, 0.4% are Chinese, 0.6% representatives of other nations.
According to some sources, there are 100 Armenians in Japan nowadays, 50-60 of them live in Tokyo. There is an Armenian Embassy in Japan.
Japan is the last country that officially keeps the Empire rank. The Japanese Imperial dynasty has never been interrupted.
The current ruling Emperor, Akihito, is the descendent of the 1st Emperor, Dzimui, who founded Japan.
Transportation is very expensive in Japan. The cheapest ticket in metro costs 140 yen (about $ 15). Japan is the only country in the world where the delay of the train even for a minute is considered to be late.

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In Japan there are no dustbin, because all the garbage is recycling. Waste is divided into 4 types: glass, combustible, incombustible and recyclable. There no dustbins in the streets, there are only  special containers to collect bottles. In Japan is very low the pension. Maximum fee for poor elderly is 30,000 yen, which is equivalent to about $ 300. Mandatory pension insurance does not exist. Every Japanese should himself care about  his old age. In Japan, everyone think that «Hello Kitty» famous image descent is from England, while it’s homeland is Japan. These false opinion’s reason is because Kitty from the same Anime is from England. Japan by its territory 3 times bigger than England. There is a common opinion, according to which Japan is overpopulated country. But actually in Japan density of population is only 360 people per square meter, while in England, 383 people. Two-thirds of Japan is covered with forests. Japanese phones there is a system that allowing acclaim across the nation suddenly come upon an emergency situation. If some catastrophe happens all mobile phones ring with high audio signal, even if the phone sound is switched off, a letter comes, that explains what happened and what behavior to render. Japan instead of signatures put a special denominative stamp-hanko. Such a stamp has every Japanese and used it during the day lots and lots of time.  Such kind of stamp can be purchased at any store. In Japan it is considered impolite step in the presence of the giver to open the gift.

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translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan