Japan has already had its significant role on the map of Fashion World. Japanese designers are shining on the best fashion stages of the planet. Accordingly, worldwide designers are also inspired in creating traditional Japanese costumes and accessories. For real stylish people, Tokyo, of course, is a city of dreams. In Tokyo there are the best boutiques of worldwide brands as well as the shops of the local designers. They suggest the most actual clothes, shoes and accessories here in Tokyo.
The tourists pay much attention to young people in «Kawaii» style. It seems that they have just come out from Japanese cartoons. The folded clothes, interesting accessories, difficult hairstyles, bright make-up, colorful contact lenses, long eyelashes and long nails-all these above mentioned characters are typical to «Kawaii» style.
Harajuku region of Tokyo is completely concentrated on the trends of Japanese fashion. Here in Japan the visitors can see young people in the most different styles. The culture and the street fashion also have an important influence on this. Punk elements, shabby jeans, «second hand» style clothing, multi-layered and colorful characters you can see here.
Fashion wide scale shows are frequently held in Tokyo. With a single sight people can see the most actual fashion trends of the Rising Sun Country. First of all it is «Tokyo Girls Collection» show is presented, then comes Japanese Fashion Week.
In Japan there are shops where the visitors can buy famous brands outlets with sale. There is also antique market here for people interested in old fashion. The big sales are held mainly in January and July.
translated from Armenian into English by Tatev Harutyunyan