CCCI Initiates Humanitarian Aid for Artsakh

CCCI Initiates Humanitarian Aid for Arts...

With almost daily attacks from Azerbaijan across the line of contact and other parts of Artsakh (also known as Nagorno-Karabakh) and borders of Armenia, a humanitarian crisis has unfolded in the war-torn Artsakh. Due to this, along with COVID-19 cases consequently reaching an all-time high within the region, the healthcare infrastructure in Artsakh and neighboring Armenia has been overwhelmed by thousands of civilians and soldiers who have been wounded as a result of the war. During these difficult times, CCC International and KID-T Group Holdings are one with the Armenian...
Free Course in Japanese at the Elementary Level

Free Course in Japanese at the Elementar...

Thanks to IROHA center for the provision of the...

Contemporary Art on the Japanese Islands...

translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan