January 21st, 2015
For the state Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Minoru Kiuchi the Gyumri crime is equivalent to terroristic act. On behalf of the Republic of Japan, he presents his sincere condolences concerning the incident in Gyumri: “As a peace-loving country Japan continues its struggle against terrorism. And in this context we want to cooperate with Armenia”.
The Embassy of Japan in Armenia functions from January 1st, but for the moment it doesn’t have an ambassador: “At present we are discussing the possible candidates. It’s true that our financial funds are very limited, but we will do everything in order to send our ambassador to Armenia as soon as possible”. What is the reason that the Embassy of RA in Japan functions since 2012 but it is just now that Japan opens its embassy in Armenia: “There are other countries also which have their embassies in Japan, but we don’t have our embassies in their countries. We also wanted to have an embassy in Armenia very much, but our financial state is not that liberal: in a year we are allowed to open 3-5 embassies in the world”.
At this moment, the acting ambassador Mr. Kenichiro Sasame notices that the cooperation between the two countries is significant especially in those spheres where the positions of the two countries coincide. He also addresses the problem of Artsakh: “Japan hopes that Armenian-Azerbaijani confrontation will be solved in the nearest future in the frameworks of the agreements already achieved”.
The Embassy of Japan in RA will carry out its first project by donating 102 610 US dollars to 25 schools of the Region of Ararat for the procurement of equipment.
The president of the NGO “Development and Prosperity” Gayane Gevorgyan presents: “After the monitoring and selection of the schools their representatives have monitoring at the given schools again in order to understand the extent of necessity, how bad is the situation in the schools, after which they decide to give the grant or no”.
By the way, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan is impressed by Armenia. He considers our country beautiful and attractive for the tourists.
the material is taken from http://www.a1plus.am/1361115.html
translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan