The novel of Kenzaburo Oe novel “The flood invades my spirit ” has been translated into Armenian

The novel of Kenzaburo Oe novel “T...

“The floodinvades my spirit ” is the most famous novel by the modern Japanese writer Kenzaburo Oe, which, thanks to the translation of the Japanese language specialist Astghik Hovhannisyan, is already available in Armenian. At the center of this dystopian parable is the relationship between man and society, adults and children, and the title is a quote from the biblical Book of Jonah, referring readers to the traditions of Japanese Christianity, subtly and piercingly sounded in the novel. the material is taken...
On August 6, 2022 Commemoration Ceremony Dedicated to the Victims of Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Towns (Video)

On August 6, 2022 Commemoration Ceremony...

申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 Հայերենと English のみです。


On July 31, 2022 at IROHA Center there was celebrated the traditional Japanese holiday Tanabata. The celebration was launched by the greeting speech of the president of IROHA Center Ruzan Khojikyan and the presentation of the order of celebration to the audience. Then there was a beautiful, small performance about Tanabata in Japanese. After that in accordance with the meaning of the holiday all the attendees wrote down their dreams on papers and hung them from the branch . In fact they should be hung from the branches of a bamboo tree but as they don’t grow in our...