Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day


On March 14, 2023, a workshop entitled “Mindful employment and life: IKIGAI – the Japanese secret to long and happy life.” was held at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel. The organazer was DNA Strategy Company with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)  .

For the first time in Yerevan, there has been a Mindfulness Day organized to showcase its importance in everyday life.

The participants learned what is Mindfulness is, how to become mindful and avoid burnout.

The event was designed for
- Business people,
- HR experts and managers, who are the main responsibles in the company for the healthy and wealthy atmosphere
- Marketing, Sales and Event Managers,
- High-tech industry employees, who usually face the problem of burnout and don’t know how to overcome or prevent it,
- All interested residents.

The speakers shared their expertise on the following topics:

.”Mindfulness importance in business ecosystem” - Siranush Gyurjinyan, “DNA Strategy” Founding Director, IMC

.”Mindfulness in HR” ー Maya Aslanyan, Human Resources Expert

.”Psychological aspects of Burnout” ー  Sophia Shesternenko, Psychologist (19+ years’ experience)

.”Mindfulness and Yoga, myths and solutions” ー Stella Bedzhanyan, Mindfulness and Yoga certified specialist

the material is taken from  DNA Strategy Company