On May 19, 2015 in Yerevan State Pantomime Theatre there Took Place a Mono Performance (video)

On May 19, 2015 in Yerevan State Pantomime Theatre there Took Place a Mono Performance (video)


Initially, it was supposed that Makoto Inoue would play in the performance “”Clown Macbeth”, but his companion Riko Sugama had an accident that was why the staff of Yerevan State Pantomime Theatre decided that the Japanese actor would present the mono performance “Dojoji”.
The audience in Yerevan did not suffer from this replacement, as the performance “Dojoji” is one of the most vivid samples of the traditional Japanese Kabuki theatre.
The performance tells about the tragic love of a priest and a girl. This is a legend on how the girl being departed from his beloved man gradually turns into a monster–a giant snake.  Makoto Inoue simultaneously played two roles: of a woman and a man.
After the performance, the audience left the theatre satisfied and pleased with the performance.

Author  H. Muradyan

translated from Armenian into English by M.Vardanyan