Armenia-Japan: History, Facts, Pages

Armenia-Japan: History, Facts, Pages


On July 17, 2024, an exhibition dedicated to the history of Armenian_Japanese relatoins was opend in the National Archives of Armenian the Ministry of Jastise of Republi of Armenia. The exhibition was organized jointly with the National Archives of Armenia and “Arumenia_Nippon” Armenian_Japanese Scientific and Cultural Union.

History, Facts, Pages

History, Facts, Pages 1

History, Facts, Pages 2

The General Secretary of the Ministry of the Republic of Armenia Sirvard Gevorgyan, the Exiraordinary and PlenipotentuaryAmbassador of Japan to Armenia Aoki Yutaka, the honorary president of the Armenian_Japanese Scientific and Cultural Union “Arumenia_Nipon” Arsen Arakelyan, the founding president Anna Vardanyan and other guests were present at the exhibition.

The director of the National Aechives of Armenia, Artur Stepanyan, made an opening speech. He welcomed the guests and highlighted the importance of holding such en event in the National Archives of Atmenia.

“The purpose of the event is to promote Armenian_Japanese relations, which is the begining of the further deepening and devolopment of new bilateral Armenian_Japanese relations.” He noted that only documents in the archive are represenred at the exhibition.

Afterwards, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentary Ambassador of Japan to Armenia Aoki Yutaka made a spèech and in particular mentioned:

“I welcome the participants of exhlbiton dedicated to Armenian_Japanese relations organaizd in the National Archives of Armenia. It is very important that documents, film photo documents and a number of valuable books published in Armenia are displayed here, which testify and contribute to Armenian- Japan relations.” The ambassador also mentioned that people plày a big role in the development of these relations and thanked the National Archives of Armenia and the Arnenian-Japanese Scientìfic and Cultural Union”Arumenia-Nippon” for organizing the event.

The exhibition presents archival documents stored in the National Archives of Armenia, which refer to establishment ofArnenian-Japanese dliplomatic relations, scueñtific and cultural ties, the Armenian fuestion and Japan’s related participation. Interesting documents are presented about Diana Abgar, the first femaile diplomat in the word, diplomatic represententive of the first Republic of Armenia in Japan in 1920.

Important and valuable documents with vivid humanitarian manifestations between nations and peoples are shown, which refer to the assistance provided by Armenia during the earthquake in Japan in 1923 and, reciprocally, the humanitarian assistance provided by Japan during the earthquake in Spitak in 1988.

Ministry of Justice of Armenia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia


Embassy of Japan in Armenia

the material is taken from nationalarchivesofarmenia